The Project is located in Ward 16, District 8, HCMC. The project's area is 8,15ha; the coefficient of land use is 6,1 times; gross floor area is 440,757.98m2, equivalent to 3,937 units with seven high-rise apartment blocks of 33 floors, apartment area 69-79m2; commercial and services area is 8,099m2; 1,650m2 for 13 link house, full services such as kinhdergarten, primary school, clinics, tennis court, swimming pool, gym. Total project investment is 3,817bn VND in which NBB invests 100%.
- Gross area:
81,550.10 m2
+ For construction:
19,087.30 m2
+ For trees and transport:
52,036.80 m2
+ For public construction
10,426.00 m2
- Gross floor area (high-rise apartmetn):
440,757.98 m2
+ For apartment:
363,526.50 m2
+ For commercial area:
8,099.00 m2
+ For parking level 1, 2 (excluding semi-basement):
28,456.26 m2
- Gross floor area for link house:
4,622.52 m2
- Total apartment volume:
3,937 units
- Total estimated investment:
3,817bn VND
- Completed the clearance compensation up to 92%
of gross area.
- Expectedly, People's Committee of District 8 will approve adjustment of detail construction plan 1/500 in the end of September 2014. Company is planning basic design profile and investment project and concurrently, company implements leveling process.
- Expected to start construction in 2016.
Map location


With basement |
With typical floors 1

With typical floors 2
With typical floors 3-33
Sales Dept. (577 Corp.): *Tel: 08. 62 577577 *Fax: 08. 3844 6017